Air Interface

The protocol operates in the license-free ISM band at 2.4-2.4835 GHz. To avoid interfering with other protocols that use the 2.45 GHz band, the Bluetooth protocol divides the band into 79 channels (each 1 MHz wide) and changes channels up to 1600 times per second. Implementations with versions 1.1 and 1.2 reach speeds of 723.1 kbit/s. Version 2.0 implementations feature Bluetooth Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) and reach 2.1 Mbit/s. Technically, version 2.0 devices have a higher power consumption, but the three times faster rate reduces the transmission times, effectively reducing power consumption to half that of 1.x devices (assuming equal traffic load).
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New Bluetooth Technology Makes it Easier to Connect Devices
Bluetooth Special Interest Group announced details of its new specification, Version 2.1 + EDR, to advance its short range wireless technology and make it easier for consumers to connect Bluetooth devices.
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the start of something beautiful when Bluetooth technology entered the luxury-car market earlier this decade. Drivers have since enjoyed an increasing array of automotive wireless capabilities
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